Matrix Science Mathematic (MSMK)

Matrix Science Mathematic | Matriks Sains Matematik (MSMK) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of mathematics. It devotes exclusively to the publication of high-quality reviews, regular research papers and short communications in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Mathematicsalso publishes timely and thorough survey articles on current trends, new theoretical techniques, novel ideas and new mathematical tools in different branches of mathematics. A submission must be well written and of interest to a substantial number of mathematicians and scientists. Matriks Sains Matematik (MSMK) currently has an acceptance rate of 15%. The average time between submission and final decision is 30 days and the average time between acceptance and publication is 28 days.
Aims & Scope
Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full account of the research must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Electronic files or software which provide the full details of the calculations, proofs and experimental procedures can be deposited as supplementary material (if unable to be published in a normal way). Main titles includes but not limited to followings;
algebraic geometry
algebraic topology
analysis of PDEs
category theory
classical analysis and ODEs
commutative algebra
complex variables
differential geometry
dynamical systems
functional analysis
general mathematics
general topology
geometric topology
group theory
history and overview
information theory
K-theory and homology
mathematical physics
metric geometry
number theory
numerical analysis
operator algebras
optimization and control
quantum algebra
representation theory
rings and algebras
spectral theory
statistics theory
symplectic geometry
geometric analysis
variational problems
mathematical finance
Peer Review Policy
All peer review is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.
Article publishing charge
There is no APC for this journal. All accepted papers shall publish FOC.
Submission charges
There are no submission charges for this journal.
Final Decision